You will wonder where to put this book. Does it go on the science fiction shelf or on the fantasy shelf? This is a genre bender. Did you ever hear of a scientific reason for magic?
Ship-superior Coran Devic commands the Sarian starship Galaga. Sarians are a serpentine race with green scales from head to tail. Their upper body is humanoid, but they are hairless.
Galaga would be the first Sarian ship to transit a space/time vortex. Sabotage causes Galaga to tumble and spin through a convulsing vortex.
Galaga will be spat out in a star system. The broken ship approaches a planet with the crew on limited rations and mutiny in the air. There is no way home. They will have to build a settlement on the planet.
In the lands of Ambersine a young boy is becoming temar. He has a vision of unlikely allies averting a terrible war. Two of these allies are his siblings, one is an elf, two are outcasts, and the others are dragon children.
For this vision to come true a red dragon will be treated in the cargo bay of a starship; a wizard will protect a shuttle craft from a dragon attack; and starship sensors will warn of dragon war flights approaching. This is not a story that starts in one genre and ends in another. This is a complete integration of science fiction and fantasy. The genres will be bent.

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