Monday, October 28, 2019

The Big City of Love

This will be the most irresistible book you have ever placed your hands on.

It’s full of twist and turns, lies, deceit, irony; however, it leads to hope, love, respect, and the power to overcome all obstacles of love and self- confidence,

a place where broken hearts are healed and heart breakers are judged. Isn’t it time you experienced true love?

A City like no other awaits you and will change the way you see love forever.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

If Socialism Comes To America: How You Can Live & Prosper

The book describes all the currently popular ideas promoted by the new "Democratic Socialists" in today's Democratic Party, discusses how these same ideas have fared in societies throughout history, and what you can do to keep from being blindsided by events in the future if the United States adopts socialistic programs.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Operation Maya

A renowned scientist is requested to participate in a harmless sounding military project. He assembles a small team to achieve the cryptic goal and unwittingly, they unleash psychological hell on an unsuspecting population. After a lot of twists and turns, the sinister objective of the project is unveiled at last. Would it be too late to contain the damage?

The fiction thriller is an attempt to highlight the chilling possibilities and eventualities of war in the modern, super-connected and technology driven world. It envisages the dawn of a terrifying age of Psyber (Psychological-Cyber) warfare where our own devices and institutions are turned against us.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

FREE Trial from Audible

Dear fellow book lovers,
Reading books is an essential part in the life of many people. Whether the purpose of reading those books is to be entertained, calm down your mind or to educate yourself, books are most likely going to benefit you.
However, reading books can take a lot of time out of your day and nowadays most people are busy working instead of reading.
If you are in a similar situation, where you don’t get to read as much as you would like, you need to consider listening to Audiobooks. Not only can it help you with your time management but it is also proven to lengthen your attention spam. You can listen to them wherever and whenever you want: while commuting to work, cleaning, or working out. 
A lot of great companies offer you a big selection of audiobooks, however, Audible – an amazon company – is the largest, cheapest and therefore the best on. You can choose from 200,000 audiobooks and many more podcasts. 
Actually, you can listen to one audiobook for free by signing up to a 30-day free trial on Audible*. And who does not like free books?
Get the 30 day free trial here:
(*Payment information will be required, however, you will not be charged unless you decide to go on with the service after your trial ends)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Once Upon a Time Bitches

Once Upon a Time Bitches Design Your Fairytale Life, Control Your Destiny, and Become the Hero in Your Story 
That’s Branden on the cover. Yes, she has a boy’s name, a Mom bod, and her tattoos are not photoshopped. And yes, she doesn’t look like your typical author or self-help Instagram sweetheart. But besides being a wife, mom to six kids (plus others with fur), business owner, Branden is the author of this new book: a fast paced, in your face, expletive laced, nothing held back message to women everywhere: There is no magic fairytale, but if YOU work at it enough you can come pretty close to creating your version with a happily ever after. But first, no more whining and no more damsel locked in a tower, bullsh*t. Is it possible to design a fairytale life? Control your destiny? Be the hero in your story? Branden thinks there is and she wants to help you. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Mindset, Entrepreneur, Rich & Happy Books

Mindset, Entrepreneur, Rich & Happy Books

🔸 Do you want to have growth mindset? 
🔸 Do you want to be independent financially? 
🔸 Do you want to be entrepreneur? 
🔸 Do you want to be rich? 
🔸 Do you want to be happy with your life? 

If the answer is yes then you are in right app👏🙌.

How our app can help you to change your life to become a man you meant to be?

We offer you the best book are ever written about mindset, entrepreneur, rich and happy, books are written from the best professional around the world, it is like you have their brain inside yours, you can achieve what they have achieve and more than that. Do not you like that? Stupid question, of course you do.

In app you will find around 50 books, you need to download the book before read it, you can read it here in app directly or you can get PDF of the book.

List of the books.

📚 Mindset
🔹Mindset the new psychology of success.
🔹The brain that changes itself.
🔹Change your thinking change your life.
🔹How to stop doubting you greatness.
🔹Discovering the power of positive thinking.
🔹Grit: The power of passion and perseverance.
🔹The art of winning an unfair game.
🔹You are a badass at making money.
🔹Tools of titans.

📚 Entrepreneur
🔹The Execution Factor: The One Skill that Drives Success.
🔹Purple Cow: Transform Your Business.
🔹Outliers: The Story of Success.
🔹How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.
🔹Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life.
🔹When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.
🔹Principles: Life and Work.
🔹Rise and Grind.
🔹Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don't.
🔹The Lean Startup.

🔹The Richest Man in Babylon.
🔹Rich Dad Poor Dad.
🔹Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom.
🔹Think and Grow Rich.
🔹The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime.
🔹Your Money or Your Life.
🔹The Science of Getting Rich: How to make money and get the life you want.
🔹The Millionaire Next Door.
🔹The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness.

🔹The Happiness Project.
🔹The Happiness Advantage.
🔹The Art of Happiness.
🔹Authentic Happiness.
🔹The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living.
🔹The Happiness Hypothesis.
🔹The Happiness Equation.
🔹10% Happier.

Note: You have 5 days to try product and ask for refund, refund in 24H. Contact or google play for refund, Thank you.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone:

The Essential Guide to True Happiness

What most of us don't realize is that we are holding ourselves back. We have people, places, and things around us that don't belong. We make choices based on comfort and security, when we could be living our lives more fully. What if we let go of our comfort zone and saw what was truly possible? Melissa Lucas went through a life-changing happiness project from January 2011 until now (growth never stops)—and you can too! She transformed from an unhappy, unfulfilled, too-many-drinks, too-much-money-spending, always-eating-takeout kind of person, into a happy, fulfilled, healthy, empowered woman. Out of this experience, after overcoming personal fear and trauma, she decided to help people meet their full potential in both their personal and professional life, culminating in this book. Melissa shares her secrets, her stories, and 16 essential happiness habits that offer practical solutions to change your life for the better. Get the benefit of Melissa’s many years of hard work to create your own best life.

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: The Essential Guide to True Happiness is a manifesto for claiming a free and liberating life of your desires. You’ll accept that life can be adventurous, fun and that you don’t have to live a comfortably unhappy life. You’ll discover how to tap into happiness, purpose, success, and well-being. This book will make finding happiness effortless!

Here’s what you can expect:

I’ll share how to create a life that truly makes you feel alive and excited to get out of bed.
I’ll teach you techniques that will help you delete fear and leave comfort behind — because you have been held back for far too long and it's time to step forward into the life that was truly meant for you!

I’ll guide you to delete all that you don't love and create more things that will bring you ultimate freedom and joy!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Four Kites

Whilst on the way to visit her sick mother, Elena loses control of her car after almost hitting a child in the middle of the road. She starts to experience violent and disturbing dreams, flashbacks of her own memories and some that are not. She investigates the story of the missing children, only to receive hostility from the parents. Her own traumatic childhood memories and secrets begin to surface, Elena starts to see connections in local tragedies.Elena returns to the scene of her accident and notices three kites in the skies above the woods. The story unravels as she investigates and comes face to face with the violent and heart-breaking truth.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Beautiful Lie: Finding Faith In A World Gone Mad

Take a faith changing journey and uncover the tools and strategies that will dramatically shift your life, your relationships, and perhaps bring about the turnaround you have long desired for yourself and others. Along with modern day miracles and remarkable historical events, you will learn the truth about the mess the entire world is in, the pathway out of it, and about the One who is closer than breathing. In the following pages you will discover powerful tools you can begin using today to dramatically improve your relationships and your life. You will find out what advice people really give when they look back over their life, and read the truth about personal and spiritual growth, marriage, money, and the pursuit of happiness. Included are a number of remarkable stories such as the miracle phone call from God, a painting that stopped a war, what people saw and heard from the sky when they killed a family of missionaries, and how a pride of lions saved the life of a child. These are just a small sample of what you will learn about living sanely in a world gone mad!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Big Black Book of Sex Positions

Take Your Sex Life From Boring To Mind-Blowing in a Few More Than 69 Moves

IN THE BEGINNING THERE WAS SEX, BASIC AND PRIMAL IN ITS EARLY STAGES, OR SO WE THINK. . . . Perhaps modern society is simply unaware of the depth of sexual understanding our ancestors truly possessed. Maybe modern society is actually relearning the sexual secrets that have been lost over the years. We can look back to the Kama Sutra and see that thousands of years ago, the various sexual positions were given extreme importance. There are even ancient texts that suggest certain positions and angles of penetration can improve your health and even fight disease—more than just physical pleasure. However, intense physical pleasure is an excellent place to start.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Sasquatch Books are here!!!!

Sasquatch has always had the best marketing and now we are brining that marketing to your books.