John Ford meets Dario Argento in a brutal, action-packed horror-western from Frank Rage...
Assigned to Fort Summerfield, Wyoming, in the summer of 1866, Lieutenant Logan Fairfax faces a fight for his life as insurgent Sioux continue a guerilla campaign against the U.S. Army.
Finding himself at odds with his politically motivated commanding officer, Colonel James Carriker, and the genocidal Captain Benjamin Sheridan, Fairfax battles to strike a balance between diplomacy and force.
But there are far deadlier forces lurking on the Great Plains. And when the Indian-hating Sheridan kills a Sioux warrior in a valley said by the indigenous people to be cursed, demons rise from the earth. The beings swarm across the prairie, attacking homesteaders, troops, and local tribes, transforming everyone into hell-born predators.
Now, as men of all tribes face extinction, sworn enemies must put politics and power aside, and join forces—or all the human races will be wiped out.
Click here to get Beasts Came Up on Amazon. / Kindle

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