One man, Jack the Ripper, haunted the dark streets of Whitechapel in the year 1888. One may not wish to call him a man, for at the end of the day, he never was, not entirely. The Ripper was and always has been more of a specter than a man, but who is he? The stories you’ve been told couldn’t be further from the truth—a barber, a doctor, and even a prince?
Ahead is a look into the real Ripper’s story from his eyes and those among him. The riveting story of Jack and his most beloved friend, John, along with those they saved, and those they damned at the request of the goddess, Fate, finally comes to light. This is a story of loss, demons, witches, and the tormenting of one man by the puppeteering hands of one very stingy individual named old Nick.
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