Satan's Old Piano:
Darwin C. D. has created a world minutely reflective of biblical stories. Using eroticism, deception, music, magic, and adventurous plot twists, he linguistically voyages to stretch the human imagination.
Determined to grab hold of Szēse, Aurf formed himself into a bullet-like posture with his head darting downward and his arms to his side so that he could speed through the time separation between him and her. As Aurf was closing in on Szēse, she could see him barreling through the clouds to her rescue. Though in their minds, death was waiting for them at the end point of their fall, the valor of Aurf distracted that dismal thought. He finally grabbed a hold of Szēse. The hollering wind was extremely too loud for them to communicate so they used their eyes.
As Aurf grabbed her, they clinched with their faces nose to nose. The wind tried its hardest to prevent their lips from locking. Unfortunately, the attempt failed. They locked lips and kissed as they fell pass the most beautiful sky galactic structures there were. The strength of gravity started to rip their threads, stitch by stitch. Nakedness became of them the further they fell. Skin to skin, chest to chest, lips to lips, they begin to ignore the fall. Falling from the highest of the high seemed like calendars of flight. Finally, their end point came. Szēse and Aurf crashed into the seas on earth.
Lang came crashing into the sea moments later, headless and with a note stabbed into his chest. It read, “The cometh of me will be soon.”

This book is full of adventurous intrigue! Every aspect of it keeps the reader lured!