Take a faith changing journey and uncover the tools and strategies that will dramatically shift your life, your relationships, and perhaps bring about the turnaround you have long desired for yourself and others. Along with modern day miracles and remarkable historical events, you will learn the truth about the mess the entire world is in, the pathway out of it, and about the One who is closer than breathing. In the following pages you will discover powerful tools you can begin using today to dramatically improve your relationships and your life. You will find out what advice people really give when they look back over their life, and read the truth about personal and spiritual growth, marriage, money, and the pursuit of happiness. Included are a number of remarkable stories such as the miracle phone call from God, a painting that stopped a war, what people saw and heard from the sky when they killed a family of missionaries, and how a pride of lions saved the life of a child. These are just a small sample of what you will learn about living sanely in a world gone mad!

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