“Ripped Apart From His World, He’ll Do Anything To Get It Back.”
That phrase never rang more true than in the story throughout The Other Ones. This riveting story, takes you on a journey through the perspective of Tim, an average teenager living in America with hopes high to become bigger than he is. A thirst to become more, be more. When a portal snatches Tim and a couple of his friends, they’re transported to the world of TimWion, and the country of Takito.
Both act simultaneously as an escape and a death sentence;
Tim’s doppelganger, a murderous dictator, Tavir, threatens Tim and his friends, wanting more just as his counterpart, therefore sending the group on a frenzy of battle, hardship, destruction, grief, and so much more. Throughout the adventure, loyalty becomes a lifeline, betrayal, a raging tide, and death, a persistent splash sending these characters deeper into the sea. As loyalty binds them, betrayal sweeps them away, and death follows close behind, to remind them of its imminent presence.
This dystopian fantasy brings you on a full ride to witness the character change of Tim, his experiences shaping him, or… instead, letting out what was always within? Though, you won’t have much time to ponder as Tavir follows close behind, a mirror image of what’s to become of Tim, and by the end, familiar faces aren’t the only things these two have in common.
This upcoming novel is the first of a 3 part series. The Other Ones, is an action-packed fantasy adventure that follows the bizarre adventure of a teen named Tim, and the challenges he faces. Want to see a twist on doppelgangers and medieval themes? The Other Ones is for you! Feeling a Fantasy book that captivates you in its world? The Other Ones is for you. Want to witness a character transformation similar to Walter White, from Breaking Bad? The Other Ones is for you! Intrigued in villains? Tavir is for you! Like intriguing protagonists? Tim is for you!
Click here to Pre-Order Your Copy of The Other Ones

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