Jeff Miller and Laura Morales are avid Herpers. As enthusiastic members of the local Reno Herpetological Club, they enjoy nothing more than a trip into the desert to observe snakes, lizards, and other reptiles in their wild, natural habitat. With a major Club meet scheduled soon, they have chosen to spend a weekend in the southern Nevada desert, snapping pictures and videos of choice specimens to share at the upcoming meeting.
The dead man they find far into the desert had clearly been bitten by a snake, but that wasn't what killed him. Equally mysterious were some of the items they find on his body. Items that someone doesn't want them to know about, or talk about, which suddenly puts them in great danger.
On foot, out of cell-phone range for any kind of help, they are on their own as they find themselves the object of a serious man hunt, the intentions of their pursuers obvious and deadly. Trying to make their way back to their vehicle before they are discovered and captured results in a deadly encounter that reveals to them just what secrets the dead man was hiding.
As the body count grows, the chances of the pair reaching safety decreases, and only the help of a surprising ally makes it possible for them to have any chance of surviving the ordeal.
The alien who crashed his spaceship is an unknown and potentially dangerous quantity, but he has suffered at the hands of those trying to steal the advanced technology from the downed ship. Can he be trusted to help the Herpers escape, and not become a threat to the Earth later?

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