For decades, The Holiday Hellion has been plaguing the world. A twisted man, who strings the corpses of his victims for the holidays. Dazzling displays designed to taunt the senses and offering a deadly surprise upon discovery. His dark visions adding a new terror to once cherished holidays. From a Christmas corpse to a Valentine’s Day victim, he creates a terrifying portfolio of pain.
Each scene wishing those who witness the displays a joyous holiday.
Twenty years ago, Caroline Carpenter escaped the killer’s deadly grip. Now living in a small Arizona town. Caroline continues to wrestle with the demons of her past. While she continues to look towards having a successful future with her Interlinked Destiny product line, a partnership with Dr. Nathan Stein.
In the middle of a spring storm, she meets Kevin Lindstrom. An Arizona cattle rancher who finds Caroline is the woman of his dreams through a casual dating application. Wicked things heavy on his mind.
In a corner booth, in the back of Mama Clifton’s Diner, Caroline begins a night where things unwind. Small town secrets and lies come out during an evening where not everyone will survive to see the Good Friday sunrise.

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